AFF042 Fluid Friction Measurements Laboratory Equipment Teaching Equipment Educational Hydraulic Workbench
System should be mounted on a supporting rigid structure mounted on wheels.
The flow velocity should be measured using Floor Mount Type Parallel Pipes ‘T’ & ‘Y’ Junctions Fluid Mechanics: Friction Loss in Pipes Apparatus the calibrated variable area flow meter and the measuring tank of the Hydraulic Bench. The head loss due to friction should be measured using a suitably placed static pressure tapings, multitube manometer and digital pressure meter.
Flow velocity or Reynolds number can be varied. A system of parallel pipe network configuration and isolating valves enable tests to be conducted on different pipes without disconnecting or draining the system.

1. Familiarization and training with pressure and fluid flow measurements.
2. Study of pipe friction at various flow velocities.
3. Study of pipe friction in laminar and turbulent flows.
4. Study of effect of surface roughness on friction factor.
5. Determination of relationship between pipe friction factor and flow Reynolds numbers.
6. Comparison of measured friction factors with Moody’s chart.