AFR004 Solar Pump Bench Vocational Training Equipment Didactic Solar Cell Training System
I. Training Objective
1.-Start and stop the pumping system.
2.-Automatic shutdown in maximum and minimum level conditions.
3.-Study of the operating speed of the pumping regulator: adjustment and reduction of the voltage.
4.-Commissioning of the solar battery pumping system.
5.- Commissioning of the solar pumping system without batteries.
6.- Study of the operating regime of the pumping regulator.
7.- Study of the operating speed of the pumping controller: variations of the pumped flow.

Supply voltage: 230V AC(phase, neutral and ground)
Output voltage connections: Two single phase: 230V AC.
Connector (single phase)
Magnetothermic differential.
Emergency stop.
Local Pumping Control Module:
-Power source input terminals.
-Measurement connectors.
-Internal meters: voltmeter and ammeter.
-DC/DC converter.
-Exit terminals.
-Maximum level LED indicator.
- Minimum level LED indicator.
-Flow meter signal connector.
- Pressure signal connector.